Blake’s dating life

One time I took this girl out and she didn’t know Asia was a continent. I asked her how in the hell she didn’t know Asia was a continent and she said “well how do you expect me to just memorize all of them?” I retorted “there are only seven of them. You have more fingers than there are continents!”
BLAKE oh shit i did tell you about that.
Sammay Sam I love talking about continents. I once told my best friend Pidge about how this website was gonna go global.He replied with “global huh?” I proceeded to yell “AS GLOBAL AS THIS PUSSY. I’ve already banged 3 out of the 7 continents [ this I found rather ironic because everyone seems to think I’m such a whore.]
Sammay Sam yeah i looked at you and believe i fell out of my chair laughing when we went to lunch. I’m so glad you date Albert Einsteins.
BLAKE They give the best stories, but ill never truly respect them.
Sammay Sam well duh. They’re the type of women that think playing stupid is what lands them a man. YOU HAVE AN IQ OF MORE THAN 12. stop acting like you don’t. I’m ditzy as hell at time, but I’ve killed my brain cells. They’re bottle blonde and act that way. They know their smarter than that but they have had men baby them their entire lives.
BLAKE i have taken a long hiatus from dating just because I’m so sick of dud dates.
Sammay Sam Stop having expectations. Than you can never truly be disappointed I met one. I have to be patient for he just got DbagD’d I hope I’m the one. If I’m not? then ill move on, but something is telling me to wait for it
BLAKE still. Every time they always end up being really bitchy, really stupid, or both. and no matter how hot you are it is not permissible to be stupid and bitchy
Sammay Sam haha that’s how they roll. seriously
Sammay Sam hunny it just goes to show that we a society today show women to be valued for their looks and boobs, not their brains and what we can do to change the world
BLAKE One girl’s dad once told her that if she would refrain from speaking that she would succeed in looking smarter and prettier.
Sammay Sam ahahahahha my favorite thing to say is “your most attractive feature is when you don’t speak”
Sammay Sam hey i get lost in the amount of continents. aren’t there like 3 Americas?
One time I was arguing with a girlfriend. She had to repeat something she had sai,d and she followed it with ” I said it like three times! Are you ear-blind?”

Sammay Sam ahahah oh god…im holding my sides because JESUS dude you date the rocket surgeons
BLAKE My brother always says “I don’t think you prefer dumb girls. I just think a girl would have to be dumb to date you.”
Sammay Sam actually if girls really knew how funny, sweet, and kind you are and quit looking for something better, and went for brains? They’d realize how much i adore you.
One time I dated a girl who asked me if play dough was edible, thought gorillas were called donkeys because of Donkey Kong, and asked me if the holocaust was a roller coaster.
Sammay Sam ahaha hahahahhahahha oh god! was she the one who thought missionary on the first night meant she wasnt a whore? (ans i guess she used to do missionary A LOT)
Sammay Sam dude go to my other page. You are as funny as I am “The worst hookup I ever had”. thats my love to you
BLAKE No different one
Sammay Sam oh. god. yes.
ELAP I was hoping you would post the Holocaust one to the group haha.

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